lip blush

Lip blush can be used to fix minor symmetry issues, camouflage scars and add give an illusion of 20/30% more volume to the lips. This can be a great alternative to lip filler using a collection of soft nudes, pinks or reds. Blush can be used along side filler ensuring lips aren’t over filled and your 4 weeks post filler to allow healing time.

If you have a history of cold sores (herpes simplex) you’ll need to start taking a prescription anti-viral, you can get this from your local chemist. Cold sore outbreaks are often triggered by stress or trauma to the lips or skin. Therefore, if you are a carrier, a PMU procedure will likely cause an outbreak if you do not take anti-viral medication prior to the treatment. An outbreak will affect your healing process and the results of the procedure and can even lead to scarring.
